Vandyke Noah Ministries
Vandyke Noah Ministries carried out an Outreach ministries to the poor and needy: Jesus said, “Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me’” (Matthew 25:37-40). Ministry to the “least of these” must be part of every church’s outreach.

Youth Ministry
Archbishop Vandyke Noah Ministries’ youth ministry is made up of dynamic young men and women in Christ, coming together to build, grow, train, and fellowship with one another in accordance with the mission and vision of the church and the Word of God. The Bible admonishes parents in the book of Proverbs 22:6 to “teach the children while they are young, so that when they grow they will not depart from the ways of the Lord.
Therefore, in order to teach the young members of the ministry in the way that they should go, we conduct series of interactive meeting to connect with the youth, listen to them, help them answer and address some of the life's challenging issues that they may be wrestling with. We also conduct young adult counseling, in various aspect of their life, in the areas of academics , spiritual, social, violence, drugs, good behavior, etc.

Prayer Ministry
Prayer is the way we make contact with God. It is a direct spiritual communication with God. Prayer is one of the most self-revealing acts of a human being. It is crying out to God and pouring our soul out to him. Through prayer, we let God know what we need. More importantly, prayer is listening to God. It serves as a way to hear the voice of God in our lives.
Archbishop Vandyke Noah Ministries, devote a great deed of it's ministry work to prayer as it is the source of where we draw our strength, our faith, out hope and even our beliefs.
Our Prayer Ministry is a vital part of demonstrating the power and active presence of God's kingdom.

Adult Ministry
Archbishop Vandyke Noah Men Ministry is Strong, faithful, godly, honest, intelligent, generous—these are a few words that describe the best characteristics in men. Men’s ministry exists to see the God-given best come out of men at all times, everywhere. We want to train and equip men to follow Jesus Christ with their whole hearts, minds and bodies no matter their background, age or profession. We’re committed to partnering with the Holy Spirit to see men grow in their relationship with Christ and others. We want to give men the tools to live and serve others well—to walk out the words and works of Jesus in everyday life.